KASTT, spol. s r.o.
Since the very beginning, the company has gradually become a renowned manufacturer of heat recovery exchangers and a reliable supplier of air-handling and air-conditioning equipment.

Since 2004, the company has been part of the globally operating VINCI ENERGIES group, whose activities range from the modernization of industrial and administrative buildings, through transport and communication infrastructure to the construction of energy networks.
rotary heat exchangers per year
countries when we save energy
4500 m²
of production area
Service of rotary exchangers and recuperators.
Service of air-handling and air-conditioning equipment.
Complete deliveries of technological sets of air-handling equipment.
Design activity – design of air-handling, air-conditioning and water cooling.
Provision of consulting activities with regard to activities above.

Our aim is to provide high-quality professional services and meet the requirements of even the most demanding customers.
30th anniversary: jubilee of the company’s foundation

New production hall: expansion of production capacities – completion of a new hall

20 000 heat exchangers: production of a rotary heat exchanger with serial number 20 000

TÜV certificate: obtaining a TÜV certificate for the production of rotary heat exchangers

10 000 heat exchangers: production of a rotary heat exchanger with serial number 10 000
Eurovent certificate: obtaining the Eurovent certificate for the production of rotary heat exchangers

Joining VINCI ENERGIES: Joining the VINCI ENERGIES group, which forms an integral part of the leading global VINCI group
Production expansion: commencement of rotary regenerative heat exchangers production
Start of production: production of square and spiro pipes, supply of complete units
Foundation of KASTT: foundation of KASTT – designs, complete orders and service of thermal technology
In our production program, we are currently fully focused on the production of rotary regenerative heat exchangers. We care about quality, that is why we are still working on technological innovations and production patents, we are developing our own production equipment. After the modernization of CNC workplaces, we expanded the production capacity with a new production hall in 2020. By constantly modernizing our production lines, we increase the quality of our products and thus strive to become the leader of the European market with rotary heat exchangers.
We are regular participants in industry exhibitions and fairs and publish professional articles. Since 2019, we have been cooperating with the Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – Institute of Environmental Technology.
We provide comprehensive services from design, through implementation to servicing of our supplies and products.